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Got questions? We've got answers! From eligibility criteria and application tips to our services, we're here to provide straightforward answers tailored for companies like yours.

  • What is your pricing structure?
    Our pricing structure is based on a fixed fee and a success fee, which are dependent on the type of grant you are interested in applying for and its level of complexity and effort required. Our pricing model is also flexible, as you can choose to have a lower fixed fee combined with a higher success fee vs a higher fixed fee combined with a lower success fee. Therefore, it is a very customized pricing model, which adapts to your needs. Contact us to learn more about it.
  • What is your business model?
    Our business model is built around our fixed fee + success fee pricing structure. The combination of the fees makes our business sustainable, as the fixed fee covers our costs of running the process, while the success fee ensures we are both equally motivated to succeed.
  • What is the difference between Gate2Growth and Gate2Horizon?
    Gate2Growth and Gate2Horizon are sister companies under the same holding. Gate2Growth is a funding and business consultancy, that helps entrepreneurs in their funding journey. Gate2Horizon is a not-for-profit company specialising in exploitation activities within the Horizon Europe framework. Gate2Horizon is an exploitation partner in EU Projects, while previously you might still find Gate2Growth as a partner.
  • How do you ensure confidentiality and security during the application process?
    There is a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) signed with our clients to protect any sensitive data about novel innovations and technologies.
  • How do I know if my project/company is suitable for public funding?
    First, you can take the funding quiz to get an initial idea of whether your funding needs fit a specific program or not. Besides that, you need to identify: A rough estimate of how much funding you need for your project/company. This includes salaries, costs of equipment/office rent/lab/materials/travel etc. Having a budget overview helps identify whether public funding is sufficient, or if you need other sources of funding (investors, loans etc.). Your TRL level (technology readiness level): how advanced is your technology? Has it been tested? How far is it from being ready to be commercialised? Time to market: how far is your product/service from the market? Estimate in years. This information will determine which grants are suitable for your project/company. Impact: Does your innovation fit into one of the main impact indicators that the EU/Denmark is striving for? If answering the quiz and these questions is not giving you enough clarity, please contact us and book a quick meeting.
  • Do I increase my success rate by working with you? What are your success rates?
    Yes, we do believe that working with us helps increase the chances of getting funding. All grants we work with are quite complex in terms of the effort needed, knowledge of grants rules and navigating the EU systems. Therefore, our guidance will help you throughout the whole application process (from finding the right program that fits your funding needs to writing and submitting the grant application) and make sure that your chances are higher compared to writing the application yourself.
  • What happens if the application is unsuccessful?
    In the event of an unsuccessful application, we analyse feedback, suggest improvements, and explore alternative funding opportunities to maximize your chances in future rounds. There is always one resubmission included in our standard contracts. Our aim is to support your journey regardless of individual outcomes.
  • How many consultants will support my application process?
    Depending on the length and complexity of the application process, 2 or 3 consultants will support you and your team with workshops, progress meetings and making sure all documents are ready before submission.
  • Can you share examples of successful projects you've supported?
    Certainly! We have a diverse portfolio of successful projects across various industries. Explore our Success stories page for insights into our past cases.
  • What is a consortium?
    A consortium is typically referred to as a group of companies that work together to achieve a common goal. The entities can vary from universities, non-profit companies, governmental bodies and large or small-medium organisations. Many of the grants we provide advice for, require a consortium to apply because it encourages collaboration among multiple organizations. A consortium can also demonstrate the ability to manage large-scale projects and share both risks and benefits among partners.
  • What do you mean by "country-specific" funding?
    We added a "country-specific" requirement to some grants on our GRANTS page. This means that the partners in the consortium applying for the grant must come from different countries. Usually, these are EU or member state countries and are designed to promote cross-collaboration beyond borders and strengthen European partnerships.
  • What is G2G?
    It is the abbreviation of our company, Gate2Growth. We frequently use this shorter version to refer to us here on our website but also in email communication.
  • What is the definition of a funding rate?
    The funding rate indicates the portion of a project’s budget covered by a grant. For example, if a project has a 60% funding rate, it means 60% of the overall budget is financed through the grant. The remaining 40% needs to be covered through other sources, often referred to as co-financing.


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